Saturday, December 26, 2009

Facebook | George Whitney

Facebook George Whitney: "Why is the meddling USA in Africa encouraging people there NOT to use birth control? It's the same meddling bunch we have here who are pro life until the child arrives. At that time you are on your own. In Africa the abandonment of family planning ushered in by George W Bush is causing death due to the extreme poverty these children are born into. America and pro lifers, attend to your own damned business. Stop Wall St greed if you must butt into something. Get tough on urban crime. It's the same mentality which is causing Uganda to consider making homosexuality a crime punishable by death. Some of our congressmen are involved in that atrocity too. The American religious right is as dangerous to the world as is Muslim extremism. They both cause death."

Facebook | George Whitney

Facebook George Whitney: "OK. Let me try this for making some sense. Do gooders and fear mongers have caused cigarettes to be taxed to high heaven. They say they are afraid of second hand smoke and that the taxes will cause many to quit thus saving lives from cancer. I can follow this. Now when tanning faces higher taxation they are crying foul. They are saying what smokers were saying...It's my choice. Well, I hope they tax tanning, soft drinks , and anything else to high heaven like they did cigarettes. This is such poetic justice. Now that the shoe is on the other foot it hurts. I am tickled."

Monday, October 5, 2009

"It doesn't matter how much I resent the Repugnicans on one hand. On the other they are the ultimate in treachery, deception, and propaganda. Despite the bald face lies they persisted in repeating ad infinitum, they have been successful in confusing a populace (many of whom believe the earth is 6,000 years old) into acting against its own self interest. WOW! You have to admit they are the consummate Machiavellians."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Facebook | Home

Facebook Home: "The most sinister threat to the United States and our way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness comes from religious fundamentalists BUT not the ones you think! Wake up and stop these fanatics or you will rue the day!!!"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rihanna and Chris

This is why one should never take sides in a fight involving a couple. See? They will be back lovey dovey and you will be sittin' there goin', "Well, I'll be!" In this case I choose both of them to get none of my money….her for being a dummy and him for being a violent fool!

Next time it will be easier for him to beat and choke and act like a damned idiot. Ghetto is as ghetto does. It doesn't matter how much money one has. What matters is the lessons one has been taught growing up and whether one got it or not. Chris, despite seeing his own mom degraded and dehumanized, did not get it. Now, let's see if Rihanna gets it. We will know by the amount of dust kicked up as she runs away from this stupid mess (or not).

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hypocritical Americans

Have these people no shame? The ones who loudly say, "I am against bailing out my neighbor who obtained a mortgage he could not afford!" They remind us that they did the right thing themselves by trying to pay their mortgage on time. How unchristian like can you be? I am reminded that Benjamin Franklin said, "We must hang together, or we will assuredly hang separately." Applied to today that statement is as true as ever. Fail to help your neighbor and see what happens. Fail to aid the auto industry and see what happens. There is another saw about cutting off one's nose to spite his face. Do that and see what happens. We are all interrelated when it comes to this economic situation. Not one of you was concerned with the next door neighbor's ability to pay as he was helping drive up the value of your home to overpriced limits. Next time don't be so greedy! Get a grip and ask, "What would Jesus do?"

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ron Christie

The only thing I hate more than a God Damned Republican is a God Damned Black Republican. Ron Christie is such an animal. He worked in the Bush administration and I can see why. He is an Uncle Tom above all Uncle Toms. Never have I seen such a miserable excuse for a black man in my life. As sorry as Armstrong Williams is, he looks like Superman compared to this punk, Christie. If you have not seen this fool in action, keep watching cable news and you will see what I am talking about. I believe he could eat a mile of Republican crap and ask the doctor if another mile would hurt. Soon "cockeyes" will land on the garbage pile of American history along with the rest of this stinking sludge.